Penn SecureIT

Penn Secure IT

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Securing the university from cybersecurity threats.

Penn SecureIT

Securing the university from cybersecurity threats


To keep Penn at the forefront of innovation and academic excellence, the University launched a program to enhance its technology and data environment.

By direction of the Senior Executive Vice President, the overall goal is to enhance the protection and safety of the education, research, and service that Penn provides daily, and to allow our community to continue with Penn’s mission uninterrupted.

The University will be improving our capabilities to detect, identify, defend against, respond to, and recover from increasingly sophisticated attacks. This new program is called Penn SecureIT.

Program Overview

Penn contracted with Deloitte for an EVP Security Assessment. They recommended consolidating certain IT services from the centers to ISC management to:

  1. Increase the maturity of the University’s cyber security program, better aligning with NIST CSF requirements and leading practices
  2. Streamline operations by condensing the overall volume of vendor relationships and streamline processes to improve overall efficiency
  3. Allow centers to focus on center-specific initiatives while ISC maintains their environments


Active Directory (AD)

Merge divisional active directories into ISC’s Kite directory to better manage network resources

Endpoint Management

Subscribe endpoints to certified endpoint service and enroll all endpoints in CrowdStrike Complete


Assume responsibility for center firewalls & subscribe to Secure Campus Virtual Private Network to protect from external threats


Migrate all in-scope servers to ISC Servers for active management & maintenance


Consolidate cloud resources into a secure environment


The program team underscores our commitment to maximum collaboration, communication, change management, and transparency with the EVP centers and all other involved stakeholders throughout this program.

The team consists of six EVP centers who are involved in Penn SecureIT’s planning and delivery.

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